Recent Activities

Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

  • ntop Webinars 2021. Speaker, talk "ntopng 5.0: 
From Visibility to Network Intelligence" (slides, video). October 07, 2021. Online.

  • SharkFest US 2021. Instructor, talk "How Smart Are My Things? A Traffic Analysis of IoT Devices" (slides, video). Online.

  • Webinar Würth-Phoenix 2020. Speaker, talk "Cybersecurity - Identifying and Mitigating Attacks with ntopng and nScrub" (slides). November 10, 2020. Online.

  • ntop Webinars 2020. Speaker, talk "How to Write an ntopng Plugin" (video). September 17, 2020. Online.

  • Webinar Nethesis 2020. Speaker, talk "Tieni sotto controllo il traffico della tua rete" (video IT). July 3, 2020, Online.

  • Checkmk Conference #6 2020. Speaker, talk "Network Flow Monitoring with ntop" (video, page). April 28-29, 2020, Online.

  • ntop Virtual Meetup 2020. Speaker, talk "Say Hello To ntopng 4.0 Cybersecurity, Scripting... and a New User Interface" (slides, video). April 2, 2020, Online.

  • FOSDEM 2020. Speaker, talk "Monitoring of a Large-Scale University Network: Lessons Learned and Future Directions" (slides, video, page). February 1-2, 2020, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.

  • SharkFest EU 2019. Instructor, talk "Plaintext Information in Network Protocols: Green Locks Are Not Enough" (slides). Winner of the esPCAPe challenge. November 4-8, 2019, Estoril, Portugal.

  • Icinga Camp Milan (event page). Speaker, talk "Integrating Icinga 2 with ntopng" (slides). September 29 2019. Milan, Italy.

  • Influx Days London 2019 (event page). June 13-14, 2019. London, United Kingdom.

  • ntopconf Italia 2019 (event page, retrospective). Speaker, talk "High Resolution Metrics: From RRD to Influxdb". May 8-9 2019. Padua, Italy.

  • 2-Days Training "Network Traffic Monitoring with ntopng". Instructor. April 15-16, 2019. Bolzano, Italy.

  • Würth Phoenix NetEye and EriZone User Group. Speaker, talk "Enterprise Network Visibility with ntopng" (slides). April 10, 2019, Nürnberg, Germany.

  • FOSDEM 2019. Speaker, talk "Augmented Network Visibility with High-Resolution Metrics" (slides, video, page). February 2-3, 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019, February 25 - February 28 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

  • SharkFest EU 2018. Instructor, talk "sFlow: Theory and Practice of a Sampling Technology and Its Analysis with WireShark" (slides, GitHub). October 29-November 2, 2018, Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel, Vienna, Austria.

  • ntop training. Instructor, topics include network packet capture, traffic analysis, and inline traffic policing. October 26, 2018. University of Pisa, Dept. of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy.

  • Würth Phoenix NetEye and EriZone User Group. October 18, 2018. Villa Cordevigo Wine Relais, Cavaion Veronese, Verona, Italy.

  • SharkFest US 2018. Instructor, talk "sFlow: Theory and Practice of a Sampling Technology and Its Analysis with WireShark" (slides, GitHub). June 25-27, 2018, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA, USA.

  • Check_MK Conference #4. Speaker, talk "Flow-Based Network Monitoring using nProbe and ntopng" (slides, video EN, video DE). May 2-4, 2018, Munich, Germany.

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress 2018, February 26 - Mach 1 2018, Barcelona, Spain.

  • ntop Users Group Meeting and Tutorial, November 7 2017, Estoril, Portugal. Speaker, talks "Beautiful Monitoring with ntopng and Grafana", "ntop Extcap: Where Wireshark Meets DPI and HW-Based Filtering".

  • SharkFest EU 2017. Wireshark Developer and Users Conference, November 7-10 2017, Estoril, Portugal.

  • New York City Metrics and Monitoring meetup. Speaker, talk "ntop, a Web-based Network Traffic Monitoring Application". June 14, 2017, New York, NY, USA.

  • Atlantic Design & Manufacturing, June 13-15, 2017, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY, USA.

  • Hacking Industrial Robots in the IoT Factories of the Future: Are Companies Prepared for the Risks? June 13, 2017, New York City, NY, USA.

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress 2017, February 27 - Mach 2 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

  • HackInBo Winter Edition 2016, October 25 2016, Bologna, Italy. Main topics: IT security and real exploits.

  • Linux Day 2016, October 22, 2016, Pisa, Italy. Speaker, talk "Network Traffic Monitoring: Real Use Cases".

  • ntop Users Group Meeting and Tutorial, October 17 2016, Arnheim, The Netherlands. Speaker, talks "Web-based Traffic Monitoring Using ntopng", "ntop Tools Hands-On" (program: EventBrite).

  • Sharkfest EU 2016, Wireshark Developer and Users Conference, October 17-19 2016, Arnheim, The Netherlands.

  • RIPE 72 Meeting, May 23-27 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark. Talk "High-Speed Network Traffic Monitoring and Troubleshooting Using ntopng" by Luca Deri and Simone Mainardi (videos: Youtube, RIPE).

  • Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2016, February 22-25 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

  • CERT Flocon 2016, January 10-14 2016, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. Talk "Towards 100-Gbit Flow-Based Network Monitoring".

  • Oracle MySQL Tech Tour, November 12 2015, Rome, Italy. Main topics: MySQL 5.7 (semi-synchronous replication; multi-threaded slave performance, monitoring), Database-as-a-Service with MySQL & OpenStack.

  • Suricata User Conference 2015 (Suricon), November 4-5 2015, Barcellona, Spain. Latest IPS/IDS technologies including ,but not limited to, ntopng, docker, suricata, and ELK

  • Oracle MySQL Tech Tour, April 29 2015, Rome, Italy. Workshop about Oracle’s latest MySQL security innovations including MySQL Enterprise Encryption, MySQL Cluster, MySQL Fabric, Oracle Linux and Oracle VM.

  • Internet Festival, October 9-12 2014, Pisa, Italy.

  • Webinar "Generating Alpha: Predicting Volatility and Corrections" with Michael A. Gayed, CFA, and Charlie Bilello, CMT, June 11, 2014.

  • Galileo Innovactors' Festival, cycle of seminars on innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, June 5-7 2014, Padova, Italy.

  • Project Meeting, European Project Dynamics and Coevolution in Multi Level Strategic Interaction Games (CONGAS), March 11 2014, IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy.

  • The Entrepreneurial Pursuit, Ray Garcia, University of Pisa, March 6 2014, Pisa, Italy.

  • Debate panel with venture capitalists, business angels and innovation experts (among which TT Ventures, ASSEFI and Stars Up), Dept. of Computer Science, University of Pisa, March 4 2014, Pisa, Italy.

  • High-Tech New York City Startups and the Key of their Success, Maria Teresa Cometto, University of Pisa, March 4 2014, Pisa, Italy.

  • Project Meeting, European Project Dynamics and Coevolution in Multi Level Strategic Interaction Games (CONGAS), November 19 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Visiting Scholar, Econophysics and Complex Networks, Boston University Dept. of Physics, March - Sept. 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • Measuring Social Networks, Prof. Sune Lehmann, Northeastern University, July 18 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • Boston Data Mining - Cluster Analysis: Simple idea, many applications, July 17 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • GigaOM Boston Networking Reception, July 11 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • Big Data in an Increasingly Mobile World, Mobile Monday Boston, July 1 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • Popularity versus similarity in growing networks, Maksim Kitsak, Northeastern University, May 9 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom), April 19 2013, Torino, Italy (Speaker).

  • IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom), April 14-19 2013, Torino, Italy.

  • Statistical Physics in the Era of Big Data, Dashun Wang, Northeastern University, April 11 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress 2013, February 25-28 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Network Science: From Theory to Control, Albert-László Barabási, July 5 2012, Lucca, Italy.

  • International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 14-17 May 2012, Paderborn, Germany (Speaker).

  • International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WinMee), 18 May 2012, Paderborn, Germany (Speaker).

  • Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) Workshop, co-located with the Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, 12-14 March 2012, Wien, Austria (Speaker).

  • International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), 26-28 September 2011, London, UK (Speaker).


  • PhD Degree course "Ethical Hacking: A New Perspective on Network Security", Christian Callegari (Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy), 2012.

  • School on Computational Complex Systems "Data mining and modeling of complex techno-socio-economic systems" (Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research), 2012.

  • PhD Degree course "A Chemical Networking Protocol Tutorial (Packet Level Active Networking and Dynamics)", Prof. Christian F. Tschudin (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland), 2012.

  • PhD Degree course "Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes", Prof. F. Flandoli (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy), 2012.

  • University of Pisa "PhD Plus" program. Topics included, but were not limited to, patenting, business creation, innovation management and fund raising from public and private institutions (e.g. EU, business angels, venture capitalists), 2012.

  • Upper intermediate english course, 25 hours, CEF level: Towards B2 part 2 (certificate awarded), 2012.

  • PhD Degree course "Performance modeling applied to computer networks", Prof. Izhak Rubin (Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA), IIT-CNR, 2011, Pisa, Italy.

  • PhD Degree course "Queueing Theory with Applications to Computer Communications and Telecommunications Networks", Prof. Izhak Rubin (Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA), IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, 2011, Lucca, Italy.

  • PhD Degree course "Basics of game theory and its applications to wireless communications", Giacomo Bacci and Luca Sanguinetti (Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy), 2011.

  • PhD Degree course "Social Network Analysis", Fosca Giannotti (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Italian National Research Council, Pisa, Italy), 2011.

  • School on Computational Complex Systems "Game Theoretic approach to Computational Complex Systems" (Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research), 2011.

  • Upper intermediate english course, 40 hours, CEF level: Towards B2 (certificate awarded), 2011.


  • Italian State Exam for licensure as a Professional Engineer (Esame di Stato di Abilitazione alla Professione di Ingegnere, settore Ingegneria dell'Informazione). Date of issuance February 23, 2012.